One Step Closer to Cosmos

Cosmo Camp
  • Connect with Experts: Get personalized guidance from Experts - Vedic Astrologers, Vastu Shastra specialists, Yoga teachers, Ayurveda practitioners, and more.
  • Ask Your Questions: Have your burning questions answered in a friendly and supportive environment.
  • Discover Your Path: Gain valuable knowledge that empower you to make decisions about your health, career, relationships, and overall well-being.
  • It's Free!: There's no cost to attend Cosmo Camp consultations.
Cosmo Talk
  • Convenient Learning: Attend live workshops or seminars.
  • Learn from Experts: Gain insights from leading practitioners and scholars in various Vedic disciplines.
  • Diverse Topics: Explore a wide range of topics, from Vedic Astrology and Vastu Shastra to Yoga, Ayurveda, and more.
  • Interactive Learning: Participate in Q&A sessions and engage with other learners in a dedicated forum.
Cosmo Trip
  • Go Beyond Textbooks: Learn by doing through hands-on interactive activities, and engaging presentations.
  • Travel with Purpose: Explore sites, connect with local practitioners, and experience the Vedic sciences.
  • Practical Applications: Learn how to integrate Vedic knowledge into your daily life for improved well-being and personal growth.
Cosmo Fiesta
  • A Multi-Faceted Event: Immerse yourself in a vibrant festival featuring diverse activities related to Vedic sciences.
  • Workshops & Consultations: Participate in workshops led by renowned experts and get personalized consultations from experienced practitioners.
  • Exhibitor Booths: Explore a variety of booths featuring Vedic products, services, and resources.
  • Community Gathering: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Vedic sciences.